Ecosystem Another
dimension to

Don’t change your whole IT ecosystem. Instead, take a holistic view and first tackle the risk that the weakest links pose. Add a separate independent level to and upgrade security vastly with one swift motion.
A top business priority

Information is key to governments, authorities, enterprises and health care. And thus, to people in general. However, keeping access and the infrastructure that holds sensitive data secure is usually an extremely complex issue. With OFFPAD you can take a simple yet highly effective measure by adding an easy-to-deploy solution. Complying to the highest security levels OFFPAD makes perfect business sense. You simply take secure access to your data through endpoint devices into your hands. You’ll be surprised how little it takes.

The no change gamechanger

No password, no pin code, no hassle, no risk. With OFFPAD, you yourself is enough for secure access to sensitive corporate documents. Offline, except for the split second the multi-factor biometrics authenticate and identify you as the rightful owner of the data. Seamlessly integrating with your operation’s IT infrastructure and applicable to all your endpoint devices, OFFPAD lets you take total control of access to your data into your hands without ever compromising security. Look forward to the simplicity and elegance.

Ecosystem Why trust us?

You do right by asking in this day and time. And we’re more than happy to be scrutinized.

It’s a no trust world. Unfortunately, may we add. But this is our very reason for being. Increased digitalization and remote work have made the world, countries, authorities, enterprises and people exceedingly vulnerable to cyberattacks, security breaches and identity theft. A staggering 70 percent of all security breaches originate on endpoint devices.

PONE Biometric’s ambition is to bring cybersecurity and secure access to data through endpoint devices up several notches by making secure solutions available, easy to use and well-designed. Our biometric and crypto technology stems from the University of Oslo, and has since been developed by industry veterans within biometrics, cryptology and secure phone applications for governments in the EU. Our initial project led to twelve scientific articles and two US patents. Prototypes were developed and tested 2019–2020 with demanding global enterprises. The design was finalized in Scandinavia at an award-winning design agency with experience of high-end security assignments. We have also chosen to manufacture our products in Scandinavia.

With this said, let’s have a chat about trust. We trust we’ll agree on all points.

Partners Open for business

Part of our strategy is to partner up with strong resellers across the world. With our program you get a complementary – and highly attractive – product in your portfolio and can effectively cover an urgent cybersecurity issue for anybody in need of secure access to information. To support your sales and business we also provide training, tools and eye-catching marketing material. Contact us for more information.

Words from our clients

OFFPAD is a potential killer application which can give our employees stronger protection using active directory with a userfriendly Multifactor Authentication.
Head of IT infrastructure
OFFPAD has the potential to be a gamechanger for companies and end-users in need for the safest and most secure online data exchange and communications.
Sigmund Kristiansen
Chief Security Officer Aker BP
Head of IT infrastructure, Hydro


Pone Biometrics was founded in 2017 to commercialize a Norwegian patented and innovative personal endpoint security product, invented at the University of Oslo’s cyber department, in collaboration with ENSICAEN – École Nationale Supérieure d’Ingénieurs de Caen – and a cryptology team from Rennes in a Eurostar project.

We believe in making the world – where today information is key – a safer place. To achieve this we have a disruptive approach. We simply provide a scalable solution that makes upgraded security readily available and fast to deploy for everybody managing sensitive data within enterprises, public sector, health care and defense.

We provide sustainable quality solutions that are well-designed, easy to use and comply to the highest level of security. Our first product is OFFPAD, the cutting edge smart card-sized biometric ID hardware that is independent of all endpoint devices. But we can safely say more is on the horizon.

Our intention is to grow Pone Biometrics to become the leading security provider of products and services that support strong, simple, secure and innovative authentication and identification into the digital ecosystem through all endpoint digital devices. By democratizing cybersecurity we aim to help customers protect valuable information, and thus create added value for their operations and brands.

With us you can count on products and services that provide the safest and most secure online data exchange and communications.

In the future, we hope to see no management without an OFFPAD.

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