PRESSRELEASE Yellon boosts IT security with OFFPAD by Pone Biometrics

Yellon has implemented OFFPAD, an innovative authentication solution for logging into mobile devices, computers, and tablets. In addition to reinforcing security, the smartcard-sized hardware reduces pressure on IT support as password management decreases.

It all started as a business development and design project between Yellon and Pone Biometrics. However, insights into OFFPAD’s unique capability to offer a robust and convenient security solution made it clear that it was highly relevant for Yellon’s own operations.

“OFFPAD offers higher security than other alternatives on the market. At the same time, it is small and handy, which is a big plus as we are often out of the office, at clients’ or travelling between Yellon’s various locations,” says Markus Leijonberg, CEO of Yellon.

OFFPAD (Offline Personal Authentication Device) is a biometric security key that replaces passwords with the user’s fingerprint, which is encrypted and stored in the card. The product is contactless and only activated during authentication, minimizing the attack surface for potential hackers.

“Moving away from passwords as an authentication method is one of the most security-enhancing measures one can deploy. After evaluating OFFPAD and realizing how easy it is to implement and use, it was an obvious choice,” says Tomas Grimheden, CIO at Yellon.

“We are delighted that Yellon has chosen OFFPAD. This demonstrates their awareness of the vulnerability of passwords as well as their concern for business, customers, and employees,” says David Skyborn, CCO at Pone Biometrics.


For more information, please contact:

Markus Leijonberg, CEO Yellon, +46 70 422 04 23,

David Skyborn, CCO Pone Biometrics, +46 70 788 70 87,


About Yellon:

Yellon is a multidisciplinary innovation partner that develops products and spaces through architecture, design, and communication. The company was founded in 1989 and has offices in Stockholm, Gothenburg, Malmö, and Jönköping.

About Pone Biometrics:

Pone Biometrics is a Norwegian cybersecurity company with a large European network. The company was founded in 2017 to commercialize unique crypto technology developed at the University of Oslo. With twelve scientific articles, two granted US patents, and extensive prototype testing, OFFPAD, a biometric-independent solution for easy and secure login to mobile devices, computers, and tablets, started sales in 2023. Development and manufacturing take place in Scandinavia.

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